Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Verb (s) / Possessive

1. Carlos ______ when he gets scared. (Jump/Jumps)

2.Sarah ______ to eat pizza. (Like/Likes)

3. Jose and I ____ guitar. (play/plays)

4. John _____  every day. (eat/eats)

5. The students _____ the computer. (use/uses)


1. today is tuesday.

2. Joshua and I is go to the beach.

3. We where learning in english class.

4. Juan eating ham pizza.

5. sharon likes italian food. (past)

6. Julio house is very big. (possessive)

7. The laboratory are mandatory.


1. John car is yellow.

2. Charles and Marie dog is missing.

3. _____ house is to the right. (Plural Pronoun)

4. ____ dress is the pink one.

5. _____ store is on Campbell Dr.

6. The Rodriguez house is located in Homestead.

Fix  - No Book. No Talking!

1. monday and tuesday is my favorite day of the week.

2. she like to watch romantic movies.

3. he like to watch scary movie.

4. in novemeber americans celebrated thanksgiving day. (present)

5. Robert book is on the table.

6. _____ coffee are getting cold. (singular)

7. She eat breakfast today. (past)

8. _____ is the class?

9. She like/like to shop/shops at Victoria Secret.

10. pizza, spaghetti and calzones is all italian food like.

11. the students is __ the classroom.

12. The lemons are 3 ___ $1.

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